UC Compressor P(reciprocating compressor oil)
Product description:
UC Compressor P is a multi-purpose mineral oil for Compressor, which accords with DIN 51 506 VDL specification. UC Compressor P adopts selected high quality paraffin base oil. The well-balanced additive package provides excellent oxidation stability, corr
It is recommended that the compressor oil ep-vdl be used for stationary and portable compressors, which can work up to a maximum temperature of 220 degrees Celsius, including lubricated compression Chambers, such as individual and multi-stage reciprocating compressors or individual or multi-stage centrifugal compressors.
Class 46 is recommended for use with jet screw compressors and centrifugal compressors. At high compression pressures, such as multistage reciprocating compressors, higher viscosity grades of compressor oil may be required. The EP VDL has been tested and certified as "rheinische-westalischer Uberwachungsverein e.V." in Germany and meets the requirements of DIN 51 506 VDL.
Oxidation stability
High temperature oxidation stability, reduce carbon deposition in air compressor room, exhaust stop valve and air chamber.
rustReduce rust or corrosion.
Defoaming sex Reduce the accumulation of foam on the surface of the crankcase.
Low evaporation loss Reduce the consumption of products.
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