UC Hydro XW(Anti-wear hydraulic fluid)
Product description:
ISO VG 32,46,68,100,150,220,320
• recommended for hydraulic systems requiring the use of mineral hydraulic oils.
• suitable for severe wear and tear when the equipment manufacturer requires the use of anti-wear hydraulic fluid or the use of non-anti-wear hydraulic fluid.
• closed gear systems suitable for operation under moderate loads, and industrial circulation systems where rust or oxidation suppression is required or antiwear lubricants are required.
Comply with German hydraulic fluid standard DIN 51524, chapter 2 and American steel codes 126 and 127. Certified by Denison piston and vane pump hf-0 hydraulic oil specification for severe working conditions, and by wigess specification m-2952-s, i-286-s for industrial-grade applications and m-2950-s for mobile hydraulic equipment.
• reduces the risk of failure due to high loads by protecting high pressure hydraulic system components from wear and tear.
• good air release performance, can effectively maintain the system.
• good filtering, water pollution environment through good hydraulic stability and rapid oil-water separation, to ensure that the reduction of fault work.
• good compatibility with most of the metals used in the hydraulic system, including copper parts in silver and bronze plunger pumps.
• long service life of lubricants is ensured by reducing thickening of lubricants and formation of harmful sediments.
• reduce rust and corrosion.
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